Elbow Strikes #1-3 (Yellow Belt)


#1 Front Horizontal Elbow

#1 Rear Horizontal Elbow

#1 Front and Rear Horizontal Elbow Combination

#2 Lateral Elbow

#3 Rear Elbow

Elbow Strikes #1-3 (Yellow Belt)

In this combative family you will learn krav maga’s ten elbow strikes (these are numbered in the text as #1, #2, etc.). As you deliver any elbow strike, you may either keep the hand of the striking arm open or clenched in a fist. If you keep the hand open, the muscles are less tense before impact, allowing you to tighten them the split second before impact. A clenched fist tightens the forearm and active muscle groups to increase the strength of impact and help prevent injury, but make the movement slightly slower because your energy is expended by tensing your muscles. Use the hand position that is most comfortable for you prior to delivering the elbow strike. You can achieve the best of both worlds by clenching the fist just prior to impact, while the elbow strike is in motion. This accelerates the strike and conserves energy, because you do not tense your body longer than necessary.

The Front and Rear Horizontal Elbow Strikes

This technique uses the extremely hard surface just below the elbow tip to deliver a strong combative. The power and strength behind this strike is unparalleled. The elbow’s path follows whatever opening or target your opponent gives you. Make impact with the target just below the tip of your elbow. Targets usually include the jaw, cheek, throat, and ear.

The Horizontal Rear Elbow Strike #1

For a Rear Right Horizontal Elbow Strike pivot to your left on the balls of your feet to deliver the rear strike as illustrated. This rear arm Horizontal Elbow Strike will have more power than your front strike, because your hip movement is greater, generating more power. Adjust your rear foot slightly to accommodate your front foot’s movement. Make contact just below the tip of your striking elbow. Keep your rear hand up in a fighting position.

These front and rear horizontal elbow strikes are a natural, powerful combination. The front horizontal elbow strike torques the body forcing the body to turn thereby coiling it to deliver the rear horizontal elbow strike with extra power.

The Horizontal Lead Elbow Strike #1

For a Front Left Horizontal Elbow Strike start in your left-outlet stance with your hands protecting your face. Begin to pivot in the direction of the strike on the ball of your left foot and lower your elbow parallel to the ground to initiate the combative movement. The hip pivot and transition from arms protecting to your head to the elbow motion combative are simultaneous. Connect with your target with your front arm parallel to the ground with the hand pressed loosely against your upper chest. Make contact just below the tip of your striking elbow. As you deliver the front left horizontal elbow, pivot to the right on your front foot in the same direction as the elbow combative so that your front heel nearly faces your target. As you pivot your heel, turn the rest of your body, but keep your eyes on the target.

The Lateral Elbow Strike #2 to the Side

A Lateral Elbow Strike can attack an opponent who is standing to your side. Use this strike to target the face, jaw, and throat. Make contact with the tip of your striking elbow or just above the tip. In addition, depending on height and positioning, you can throw a modified horizontal elbow to the opponent’s ribs, midsection, kidneys, and other targets of opportunity.

Practice the technique from either your regular outlet stance or a passive stance. Position your striking arm similar to the horizontal elbow starting position. Bring your striking arm parallel to the ground, while making a fist, and draw your forearm close to your body. As with your other combative strikes, synchronize your lower and upper body movements. As you deliver the strike, take a short side-step forward in the same direction your elbow is traveling. This movement shifts the body weight behind the blow. For a right elbow, step to your right; for a left elbow s trike, step to your left. As you step in the direction of your strike, extend the elbow as your triceps muscle makes contact. With your rear leg, take the same-size step as the forward leg, ending in roughly the same equidistant leg position from which you began. Prior to taking the step, bring the hand of your non-striking elbow in front of your face on the same side as the elbowing arm. This covering movement further protects your face and sets you up for your next combative.

The Horizontal Elbow Strike #3 to the Rear

To execute the Horizontal Elbow Strike #3 to the Rear, you must turn your head to the rear to deliver this strike with your chosen arm by stepping back with a small step to the rear to open up the hip to engage an opponent behind you. Targets usually include the jaw, cheek, throat, and ear. In this strike your head must lead your body, while your hips generate power to deliver this short compact strike. Bring your wrist into your body with your forearm parallel to the ground. As you turn, use an open-up step with your right leg by stepping to the rear with the sameside leg as the arm delivering the elbow to build momentum and power. Make contact with the tip of your striking elbow or just above the tip. Begin in your regular outlet stance with your hands protecting your face. As you deliver a horizontal elbow with your rear arm, pivot your core in the same direction as the elbow combative. This will increase the power of the strike. At the same time, move the front foot in the same direction to accommodate the rear foot’s movement. Keep your chin tucked.


Elbow #1 — The Horizontal Elbow Strike

Targeting the eye orbit, nose, temple, jaw, throat, back of the head, or any other vulnerable area.

  1. Similar in movement to the roundhouse punch, this technique uses the elbow’s extremely hard striking surface.  Pivot all the way through the strike.
  2. You will give up reach using the elbow in comparison to the hook punch, but, the power and strength behind this strike is unparalleled.

Elbow #2 — The Lateral Elbow Strike

Targeting the eye orbit, nose, temple, jaw, throat, back of the head, or any other vulnerable area.

  1. As you deliver the strike, take a short side-step in the same direction your elbow is traveling. Synchronize your lower and upper body movement shifting your entire body weight behind the strike.
  2. As you step in the direction of your strike, extend to make contact just above the elbow tip. With your rear leg, take the same size step as the forward leg, ending in roughly the same equidistant leg position from which you began.
  3. Just prior to the step, bring the hand of your non-striking elbow in front of your face on the same side as the chambered elbowing arm.

Elbow #3 — The Horizontal Rear Elbow Strike

Targeting the eye orbit, nose, temple, jaw, throat, back of the head, or any other vulnerable area

  1. Your head must turn to lead your body.  Your hips generate the power making contact just above the elbow tip.
  2. As you turn, either pivot on the balls of your feet or use an open-up step by stepping to the rear with your sameside leg as the arm delivering the elbow to build momentum and power.
  3. As you open up the hips, bring the hand of your non-striking elbow in front of your face on the same side as the chambered elbowing arm.