Deadside Defener Positioning (All Belts)


Moving to the deadside

Defender deadside positioning

Deadside Defender Positioning (Yellow Belt)

  • Clearly, positioning yourself where you can counterattack your opponent more easily than he can attack you is most advantageous. It is self-evident that fight positioning determines your tactical advantage. Optimally, a skilled krav maga fighter will move quickly to a superior and dominant position relative to his opponent, known in krav maga parlance as the deadside.
  • The deadside often provides you with a decisive tactical advantage. This strategy should revolve around your capabilities and preferred tactics involving long, medium, and short combatives combined with evasive maneuvers. Positioning becomes even more important when facing multiple assailants. Once superior position is achieved, the opponent will have minimal ability to defend or to counter your retzev attack. Remember, retzev, because it uses all parts of your body and incorporates multiple facets of fighting, provides an overwhelming counterattack.
  • The deadside is most crucial when facing multiple assailants.  You must only engage one at time using optimum combatives and movement while putting that opponent between you and any others. Inexperienced assailants will fortunately group together. If you use correct tactical positioning (never between two assailants) you limit the assailants’ abilities to harm you. There is a limitation on how many assailants can occupy the same space to get at you. In select circumstances, you may have to go through them. (Krav maga has techniques for this.)